About the Event Data Pack Provider

Data Pack Info

This is a data pack for the free Trekking Nepal+ App. You can get the app from any of the app stores and then import the following event data for free.

In 2016 Pierre Gay Perret and Maurits Servaas looked over Lake Nabugabo and decided to organise a nice sports event at Nabugabo. A few months later we were happy to announce our first Triathlon at Nabugabo. The following year we added a duathlon to enable non-swimmers to join as well. In 2021 we had invited Elite Runners to kick of the event with a 10km run. Pierre left in 2019 Uganda, and Maurits was happy to welcome Elishama and Marlene Nkore to join the organisation. In 2022 we welcomed Michael Busingye.

Since then we have developed into an organisation that organizes Duathlon and Triathlon events all over Uganda.

But from the very beginning, we embrace the philosophy of our Nabugabo triathlon: let's enjoy the beauty of the country, join with friends and family a nice sportive activity whereby we support the local community. We offer community athletes to join free of charge and national participants against a discounted fee.

All proceeds of the races go to a charity organisation of our choice. But.. .suggestions are welcome.

For more information about the Event Datapack provider, click here.

Brought to you by Worldwide Waypoints LLC.

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